Coryn walks inside of the private library room and sits down. She crosses her legs, and a small piece of baby thigh peeks out from beneath her black pencil skirt. With her legs crossed and her Stuart Weitzman heels on, she readies herself. Orsayor pulls down her glasses towards her nose and eyeballs her interviewee. With notebook and pen ready, she greets her, and they begin to speak.
Orsayor: So, Coryn… Tell me about yourself.
Coryn: What you wanna know? Im a character in Allisons book. She made me this way.
Orsayor: Yes I know but aside from that. Who are you as a person?
Coryn: Well. I’m Coryn. I dont really tell my age, but Im young. I ain’t got no momma or daddy, and I like to fuck for money. If you were a man, Id fuck you right now. This is time Im wasting talking to you.
Orsayor: I thank you for your time but how am I wasting your time? Let’s get straight to the point – What kind of work do you do?
Coryn: Im a mistress. A PREPAID MISTRESS.
Orsayor: A Prepaid Mistress? Whats that?
Coryn: I like to have sex for money. I get paid to please. Im an escort, prostitute, and companion. Whatever you wanna call me, so long as I get paid for it.
Orsayor: Where are your parents? Do you have any kids? Are you married?
Coryn: My parents are dead. My momma, well
thats a completely different fucking story which you wouldnt believe it, unless I told you myself. I honestly dont even know who she is. My daddy is dead because he let his dick rule him. I have no kids… well I had a son, but thats not something I want to talk about. No Im not married. My man, Bumper would like to, but I ain’t ready for that shit yet. I still have some dick I wanna try out.
Orsayor: Well you certainly said a mouthful. What caused you to take this route?
Coryn: Funny that you said that because when I was younger I didnt speak. Blame my mother for that. Anyway, I hated talking and I still dont like t answer stupid questions now. I realized that what I have between my legs is far more valuable than anything. Pussy rules the world.
Orsayor: Wow, I guess with shows like – Being Mary Jane and Scandal, being a side chick is celebrated on a weekly basis.
Coryn: Well Im in good company then, and I hope they get paid as much as me.
Orsayor: Is your story out yet? Where can we find it?
Coryn: My story is called Prepaid Mistress,” and Allison Grace wrote it. Shes signed to Peach Dollhouse Publications and has also other novels independently as well. Its on Amazon and downloadable as an e-book. Its at a good price too. Its at $.99. I told her that was equivalent to giving a hand job, but she didnt listen and said she cant control the prices. Its a really good read. Its received over a dozen five stars and while not important to some, It remains on the Amazon Bestsellers list for Womens fiction. Kind of dope and Im happy that people are interested in why Im so messed up in the head.
Orsayor: Yes I am interested too. I thank you so much for spending some time with me today. I look forward to catching up with you again very soon. Thank you Coryn.
Coryn: My pleasure, I will just write this shit off as charity. They say it begins at home for some but for me; it begins in my bed. Ciao lady!
Orsayor: Oh, where can we talk more to you and Allison?
Coryn: Chile, shes all over. Shes an Internet whore. Her contact information is:
Orsayor: Well thank you. Once again, its been an extreme pleasure.
Wow…I like these kinds of posts…interviews with characters…yes indeed!! Caryn…umm…wow…