Darby JaxonThe Cocktail Club
Coming! I yelled, after the doorbell chimed for a second time.
Dammit! I hate when people bother me in the middle of the damn day. I swallowed the last of my wine, and rushed to the front door. I pulled the door open and looked into the eyes of a stranger. She was a professional looking lady, but the clipboard she held concerned me.
Um. Yes? May I help you? I asked.
Her eyes fell to the clipboard, and then she looked up. Im Orsayor Simmons with Book Referees, are you Darby Jaxon?
I wanted to kick myself. I had forgotten all about this interview, until she said her name. Pat had asked me to talk to her, and I agreed, but that was weeks ago. I sighed hard, but stepped aside to let her in.
I was having wine, you want some? I asked.
She looked at me side-eyed, Its 10:30 in the morning, she said.
Yeah and?
She followed me into my sitting area and I told her to have a seat. Once she pulled out her digital recorder, I stopped her.
Ill be right back, I said, and darted toward the kitchen.
I came back with a glass of wine and got comfortable in my chair.
She looked down at the clipboard then turned on her recorder.
Darby thanks for agreeing to the interview, she said. So, tell me about your drinking habits, she said.
My drinking habits? You make it sound like I have a drinking problem or something, I snarled, with a frown. I was more than a little offended.
I didnt mean to, but do you?
Wait, who you been talking to? Was those heifers from the kids play group? I told them Id leave my flask at home. Oh, wait, I know good and well it wasnt one of my girls, we go to happy hour every week, but-
Lets go in a different direction. What about the secret youre keeping, how has your drinking has impacted that?
I felt my eyes grow to the size of saucers. I jumped up, and threw my hands to my hips.
Look lady, who you been talking to? Was it Carla? That trick got her damn nerves, I know she aint judging me with the illegal side hustle shes doing down there after everybody leaves for work? I cant believe this foolishness!
Darby, calm down, Im just trying to get some information-
You dont tell me to calm down, you dont even know me like that. As a matter of fact, you know what, how about this interview is over. You need to go!
But Darby, were just getting started. I still have at least a dozen more questions, she said.
I dont give a damn how many questions you got. I want you gone. I dont know who put you up to this, but lemme find out it was Carla, the play date moms, or anybody else I know. Umph, the secret Im keeping, da hell kinda question is that?
She got up and started for the door.
Oh, and for the record, I dont know what secret youre talking about, but if you know whats good for you, youll stop poking your nose where it dont belong. Mind your business, and youll live long! I said, as I escorted Ms. Orsayor right on out the front door.
You wanna know about my so-called secret, read the book the cocktail club, thats the only way youre gonna get answers. I said, and slammed the door behind her.
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My favorite book is Daddy’s Maybe
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This blog post makes me want to read this book!
I haven’t read a Pat Tucker novel. She is on my to read list. I’ve heard good things about her.
I would be honored to receive and read a Pat Tucker novel….