Book Review: The Left Lane – Keith T. Hodge

The name Tyrone Philpott rings in the streets as being southern Virginia’s top dog behind the wheel. Recognized and adored by hustlers for his ability to pimp rides, his carefree lifestyle is disrupted when he shoots his hot at a women who appears to be well beyond his grasp.

Telina Harris, a knockout sister with an education and an attitude, is piecing her life back together after getting a divorce from her cheating doctor husband. Scarred an not yet ready for a new man, her one night stand with a charismatic hustler becomes more than what she expected.

Despite being a business owner and grandma’s boy, Tyrone crosses the thin line between being street and hood. For him, there is nothing more alluring than the chaotic double-edged razor called the hustle. One side is money and recognition and in the other, are the consequences. And these consequences he is all too familiar with….

First of all, there was a lot going on in this book, but not in a bad way. The author went in detail with everything and did it in a way that anyone could understand. I didn’t know anything about street racing before reading this and feel like I came away with a better understanding of that world. I liked that even with everything that goes on the main character still had time for family, and that made the book great, in my opinion.

 I just wished the book ended differently. I was left with a lot of questions, but maybe that was because there will be a second book hopefully. This is the first type of book I have read like this, and it wasn’t bad at all. I would absolutely recommend this book to a friend.  I give this book four stars.
4 Stars
Billie Jo



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