June Spotlight/Giveaway #8: Worry-Free Living: Trading Anxiety for Peace – Joyce Meyer

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Worry-Free Living by Joyce Meyer
5 Stars
Published by FaithWords on 6/7/2016
Pages: 208 pages
Buy on Amazon

In this compact adaptation of Be Anxious for Nothing, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shows readers how to rid themselves of worry and fear by drawing on the peace of God. Difficult times are part of living in this world. However, God has provided a way for us to enjoy peace as part daily life. We can choose either to allow ourselves to be burdened with worry and anxiety or to live in the peace and joy that God wants for our lives. Joyce Meyer shows how to rely on God's strength during difficult circumstances by revealing the nature of God's peace as found in Scripture. She explains how to trade anxiety for joy, develop a childlike attitude of faith, and give our worries to the Lord.

worry-free joyce meyer


Aha is a word I frequently use when I’m reading a Joyce Meyer book because what she writes about resonates with me on a higher level. When I received this book in the mail for review – I smiled because it was right on time. Like the saying goes… HE may not come when you want him to, but HE’S RIGHT ON TIME. Sometimes we get so caught in our every day’s To-Do-List that we forget that GOD is always there to listen to us. If we believe & trust that, then we shouldn’t be held captive by anxiety & worry. Easier said than done sometimes. I dare you to look back at a time when you thought you weren’t going to make it through. Now flash forward to this present moment – You are here and still standing.

Worry-Free Living by Joyce Meyer is the compact adaptation of Be Anxious for Nothing, another one of Joyce Meyer’s best-selling book. This book packs a powerful message for readers. Joyce also gives tips and Bible verses to readers so they can start building the foundation of having a Worry-Free Life. The book is the perfect size to carry in your purse so you can have it throughout your day. There is no problem too big for our LORD. A great reminder to take our burdens to HIM and start living to the fullest.

Reviewed by : Orsayor


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